Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Few Minutes Could Have Changed Everything

It had been a beautiful morning, the sun was shining and the temperature was perfect. It wasn't too hot or too cool. This was a heat of the moment ride. You had a family get together that you'd be going to later so you knew you didn't have very long to ride.

You went down to the stables and saddle up your favorite pony, Diablo. You knew that you check the parts of a western saddle before you used it. You were in a rush, so you decided not to test the saddle that you grabbed. You assumed, ‘What’s going to happen? I can check later.' If you only knew then what you know now.

You met up with your pal and you have been riding for a little. The terrain was level so no large deal. You choose to ride towards the stream and let the horses have some water before you head back.

The terrain before you got to the creek changed into a tiny coarse. Your weight shifts all of a suddenly. You feel the saddle become extremely loose and then you are falling.
You are knocked out.

You wake up in the hospital. You are groggy from all the medicines they're giving you. Something isn't right. Why are they crying? And why can't you feel your legs?

Then they notice that you have awakened. The doctor tells you that you had an accident. You fell from your pony. When you landed, you broke you back. He proceeds to tell you that due to the severity and placement of the fracture; you'll never walk again. What? Your head is spinning. How could he be enlightening you that you're going to never walk again? You just went for a ride.

Your pal tells you the way the cinch strap broke and your saddle came loose. You were replaced from your pony and hit the rocks, breaking your back in the midst. I checked the saddle and everything was fine. Then, you remember. You were in a hurry this morning and you made a decision not to test the saddle that you grabbed.

Then you notice that because you decided not to follow the rules and check the parts of a western saddle, you have to live with the proven fact that you might have stopped your accident. If only you had taken just a few more minutes to check the saddle.

You can find more information about Western saddle at, where you can read about parts of Western saddle.

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